Fire In The Head - You Too Shall Burn

This time on target - mini album of USA power electronics creator Michael Page, which was released by Italian label Nil By Mouth. There are 4 songs in it and the album lasts for almost 15 minutes. All in all, regardless of short duration, this is one good and high quality album. For sure, it is such for those to whom the sound of Fire In The Head is acceptable overall. The first in this album - Fallen Prey (Fall And Pray) - cold one and not very cosy song. Through the whole piece various constantly changing noisy squeaking and whizzing sounds are being heard, layered on pulsating dronish note. Sometimes these sounds remind of harsh windy evening, sometimes they become similar to distorted inhuman screams while the sound calms until the next song - In His Garden. In this song dronish movement sounds a little louder (it seems so at the very least) and takes another position in the structure of the song comparing with the first one. In His Garden the vocal hidden under rich effects is heard, but multi layered waves of noise deceives me every time I listen to it and I don't know where the voice transforms into pure noise and if these sounding "chop chop" is really vocal or just delayed strikes or just imagination. Stolen Thoughts starts calmly and one can think that it is one more drone/noise part of the album, but after approximately a minute of prelude the rusty barbed wire fence of noise is built above which the vocal of Michael Page is clearly heard. After the most aggressive song purely industrial, dark and creepy song "Hurry my Children" takes place. In this song the samples from "Death Tape" (the last recording of Peoples Temple before massive suicide) are used - the voice of Jim Jones where he encourages his followers to hurry and finish the existence. With this song the short, but having much to say album ends. Michael Page succeeded in creating dark and gloomy atmosphere with his creations again. What is left is just to bow the head under own thoughts. While in ears "Hurry my children, hurry..." still echoes.


Format: mini CDr
Released: 2007
Label: Nil By Mouth

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