Noisewerrrrk - Anti-Modernist Electronics

Noisewerrrrk to say the truth was one of the bigger discoveries for me some time ago. And it happened because of this cassette released by Nil by Mouth. Before that, the title Noisewerrrrk was catching an eye here and there, but I think mostly because of it I pushed acknowledgment further and further. It is comparatively new artist from Germany, but has already declared his position in the scene with this cassette. In rather short tape, that lasts for 20 minutes, 4 tracks are recorded. The primal angst and power that is heard in early power electronics, dominates in this release. Not playing with random things while messing with equipment or some barking to microphone under cheap effects. It reminds of time when it was creation, thought, presentation and understanding of what you are doing (I don't say that it is completely opposite now. No, but many of so called musicians go the simplest way of improvisations and experiments straight to medium and then straight to shelves). The title of the album very accurately describes the conception and sound of the album. It is turning back to traditions and roots. Maybe it would be too brave to compare this release with Genocide Organ or Section B or so, but it simply compares itself with these Names of German power electronics. It is structured, hateful and what's the most important, purposive album, dedicated to tradition, progress which is found while looking at the past and which spits on modern commercialisation of art. On the insert - Marinetti and his like-minded friends, with some strange symbol that I haven't seen on all of them. And also with declarations from manifesto of Futurism that are put in such manner that it forms some kind of a poem. On the A side of a cassette - two pieces. The first one - opressing under it's construction. With braided vocal under flanger, attacks of noises and gloom. In the second one - synthetic monotony and here I am starting to feel bad that no lyrics are added to this release because the voice here - it is not simply an instrument and it is rather difficult to get full picture from random pieces of sentences that ear manages to catch. The B part is just a little shorter. It begins with a sample and growing number of layers of noises, but the song does not explode, regardless of noises becoming louder and more silent. It hammers expediently and bends to the ground forcing to lay there in meditative cosmos. Just the ending seemed too unexpected. And the last phase - Depression (Black Flag). This is once again monotonic, multilayered and peculiarly muddy work. The tape ends. It spinned countless times. Very high quality, fluent and solid work. The shortcoming is that the more you listen to it, the more you want and you have just these four songs. The hunger grows while eating. Top notch release.

Format: CS
Released: 2007
Nil By Mouth

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