Gas Chamber
Gas Chamber is UK based power electronics project. Though it is rather new, but at the moment the guy actively releases really powerful stuff and I am glad that he agreed to answer my questions.
*First of all, a few introductory words about Gas Chamber. Who are you, how many are there people in Gas Chamber and where are you from?
Hi levas,
my name's Gareth,i am the one and only member of Gas Chamber.I prefer to have complete control of how things are gonna sound,so its best being alone for this. im from Leeds in the UK.
* How did Gas Chamber started? And why? I guess this is not the first touch to the music of yours. A little of history.
Gas Chamber was a progression.
I seem to have a project...get fed up-end it,-..then come back reinvented..(this happens alot! haha..)
I think in the past i was still learning what to do with equipment etc.Im alot more confident with what i use now,so i feel the material is better,therefore this project should stand the test of time..but we shall see!
* Tell me more about your collaboration with the guy behind 412 recordings - Mordslärm. What music hides behind that name, what does this name mean etc. And also a few words about your dark ambient project 'Xa-Mul'?
yes! Mordslärm is a fairly new thing for me.Rob(from Morlar) who runs 412,is the founder..i believe there is some older material before i came along...waiting to be released.
Basically when we meet up we put some noise together,then- after- seperately we edit,and crop the sounds we've made and also manipulate and change the order of each of the layers,..-making a completely new sound each time..
Mordslärm is murder noise. i think that sums it up perfectly.its not about murder or serial killers,its about murdering the noise.
xa-mul is a completley different to Gas Chamber and Mordslärm
.its more ambient and atmospheric...its nice to have this option for a change of mood.
* What are your connections with the metal scene? I see that in 'Xa-Mul' page there's the style description with 'black metal' in it, also the logo. What is your attitude towards that scene and the music.
I believe that what i do now stems from my interest in metal.
Im a big black metal fan.
I went through all the different styles of metal but seemed to hone in more on this more...
I guess i try to express those sort of feelings from my interest into Xa-Mul.Maybe i shouldnt be labelling Xa-Mul in this way,but when i record i certainly have bm in mind.
* Gas Chamber smells of World War II. What is your attitude towards that phenomenon. Some people say that it is the greatest piece of art through history, others say that it was the biggest tragedy, what is your opinion and attitude towards it?
Gas Chamber wasnt created with World War II in mind...
The name is strong,powerful and dark.It suits the sound.
* How important are lyrics of Gas Chamber? What do they deal with?
There are no lyrics so far in Gas Chamber.Only until recently, in 2 tracks i have made have there been vocals..but this does not mean there are lyrics that i have put together!
* I see repetitive usage of numbers - 1979. Beginning with addresses and ending with song names etc. What does this mean to you?
Its the year i was born.
* Many people seem to come to noise/power electronics from punk or metal side, though there are some that drops straightly in. Where do you stand? And how did the overall background affected your worldview and music now?
I think metal is responsible for where im at now. I strongly believe that..maybe the hunger was there for something more extreme,as surely noise has to be the ultimate in extreme music.
* Recording sessions. How much improvisation are there and how much strict and polished playing?
For Gas Chamber i chop and change quite alot with this,but id say most of the time its improvised..i just plug in and away i go.
Xa-Mul is definately put together,and planned- and takes forever to do.its done every time in this way.
* What instruments are used through the recordings of yours? (instruments=means for creating sounds)
I'd rather not say...
* Since the beginning of Gas Chamber not so long ago (now it's around half a year I guess), you've already released CS, CDR and B-Card, also took place in compilations. So, by that, you are rather productive. Where do you get the inspiration from? For Gas Chamber?
Coming soon:
'The filth at the bottom of the barrel' on mask of the slave records. cd
my black gloves/gas chamber 2X3'cdr on phage tapes.
earhate/gas chamber cdr on total vomit records.
selymes viragszirom/gas chamber split. 'stone cold'. cs in video box.self 20.
praew jik/gas chamber split on 412 recordings.cdr.
jason 'EVIL' covelli/gas chamber 'The Demons that Bind Us' split
Soon to appear on compilations:
aural atrocities 3 on 412 recordings. cd
driven to kill-vol 1 on with intent records. cs
noise propaganda vol 2 on corrosive art records. cd
Inspiration: death and decay.
* Gas Chamber. Are they FOR something? Or AGAINST something? Or the middle?
Against everyone...its pure anger and was never meant to be original.
* How about live performances of Gas Chamber? Though it is written 'live electronics' on your myspace, I think you had not any live performances? Is it possible for you to play live or you'd better stay in studio recording the material?
I really dont think a live performance will happen to be honest,but you never know..
* What would be the best place for Gas Chamber to perform live? Describe it please.
In a very small cellar with no room to move and the volume cranked up to full...
* What acts of noise/power electronics would you see as most inspirational/influentive to Gas Chamber?
Blunt force trauma
Slut Kull
Steel hook prostheses
to name a few...
* The overload of information. About various artists, bands, styles etc and the whole digitalization. Is it good or not? There are people who goes by the fashion, there are people who do something sincerely and sometimes they cannot be seen. Is it good or bad? Why?
People who make noise but dont listen to it are pretty much scum.haha..
* The cover of second your release. Mutilated bodies, sickness, change of a person. What does it symbolize?
Its about reconstruction. They are burns victims,and in the picture there is examples of how they looked after surgery.Its pretty amazing.
* What would you tell to the person / how would you act who comes to you and says 'Listen, there are so much beauty in the world, just look around, breathe in life. And you explore sickness, hate, your music is violent <...>'. I think you got what I mean.
well,sometimes i agree with them,-but as cliche' as it is Gas Chamber is about the flip's everything that is rotten with this world.
* What is good and what is bad about the human kind?
Technology for both.
* Is power electronics art?
Yes,i believe it is.
* Philosophy vs plain and nude brutality. In music. In life.
* Tell me about your future plans of Gas Chamber and other projects of yours?
The plan is to keep spreading the disease.!
id like to put out a 7' next year with someone...
Xa-Mul will do a 4 way way split with Melek-Tha, Irrumatorium and Horth based on the concept of will be very special indeed.!!!!
a Mordslarm cd...
tons of Gas Chamber..
* What book, CD, person and random thing would You take while going to the unknown island for a period of time?
I would take nothing with me.
* Any last words, wishes or something?
Many thanks for the interview levas..much appreciated.and all the best to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!..hope ive answered your questions well enough!!!
please check out:
gaschamber1979 @ hotmail . com